Sunday, 12 June 2011

Man on Fire

Jimi would hire a bodyguard,

This film is a bit of a surprise really, what starts off as another run of the mill action crime thriller really does grow into something more.  There is an intense visual style which helps set the film apart.  The use of music is excellent and really pairs up with the visuals to create an overall impressive atmosphere.  The acting is top notch from the main players and really helps to pull the viewer into the story and heighten the suspense they feel.  An emotional thrill ride with some great action and touching moments.  Let yourself get abducted by Man on Fire.

Jimi Approves:
  • Nine Inch Nails powered visual montages.
Jimi Disapproves:
  • Drinking on the job.
Jimi Weight:
  • 7.8 grams.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Apocalypse Now (Theatrical)

Jimi thinks Charlie don't surf,

It should be noted that this review was based on a 2011 Digital Cinema viewing of the theatrical version.  Jimi owns the Redux, but this was a whole difference experience.

Starting off as if your falling through a vat of acid, this film grabs you by the neck and doesn't let go.  The cinematography is as good as it gets and the music works majestically with the intense visuals.  There are many layers to the film and it is an experience which you won't soon forget.  The movie has a sense of journey and takes the viewer along through the eyes of the main protagonist, putting you in the film.  The story explores many issues of morality, war, human nature and just mixes it all up and throws it at you.  There is great humour as well which seems to accompany the hypocrisy that the filmmakers are mocking.  Let go and witness, the horror...... the horror!

Jimi Approves:
  • 6ft waves.
Jimi Disapproves:
  • Not likely to see it again at the cinema.

Jimi Weight:
  • 9.2 grams.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

X-Men: First Class

Jimi wants mutant powers,

Starting off with the same sequence as Xmen, the viewer gets pulled in via a familiar place.  The story is well paced, encourporating a lot of key elements without seeming to get slow.  It has action aplenty and positively dripping in special effects.  The viewer really gets drawn into the psyche of the main characters through some good character development and some excellent performances from the cast.  The setting of the film during the Cuban missile crisis adds an extra layer and some style to another wise potentially stale genre.  It really does work.  There's no school like the old school.

Jimi Approves:
  • 60ties style.
Jimi Disapproves:
  • Where's Stan Lee?  Nothing after the creds?
Jimi Weight:
  • 8.0 grams.

Thursday, 2 June 2011


Jimi wants you to escape the cube,

The Cube is an interesting film which definitely scores points for innovation.  This film reaches cult Sci-Fi status and for a very good reason.  Low budget and basically one set, the movie lets it's dynamic story be it's strong point.  The evolution of the main characters psyche is central to the film and makes the viewer question what they would do in that situation.  Nothing is what it seems in both character and events, this film will keep you guessing all the way to the end.  Try escape the cube, if you can...

Jimi Likes: 
  • Excellent plot twists.
Jimi Weight:
  • 7.5 grams

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

12 Angry Men

Jimi thinks the boy is not guilty,

From the very first scenes showing the judge as bored and uninterested we know it's up to the jury to get this right.  With a boys life on the line the intensity gets cranked up and the viewer gets drawn right into the case.  The acting is flat out superb creating a very real atmosphere inside the room.  What starts off being a case against someone else gets flipped on it's head as some of the jurors are almost put on trial to explain their prejudice and beliefs.  It is here that the film explores the key issue of what people bring with them as a juror, it's not all about facts.  It's almost a crime to try and review this film in short form, it literally is one of the finest films ever made.  Put yourself on trial, you'll be surprised.

Jimi Likes:

  • Fifties slacks.

Jimi Weight:

  • 9.5 grams

Thursday, 26 May 2011

El Orfanato*

Jimi thinks you should see Thomas' little house.

This film is a gem when it comes to creating atmosphere, what it lacks in the actual horror department it makes up for in suspence and intregue.  The look of the children is central to the films visual style and presents a new spin on the otherwise cliche "horror child".  The main protagonist draws you into the movie almost as if you are her and keeps you locked in the present.  The use of sound in this film is spectacular, heightening the tension to that of near heart failure.  Adopt El Orfanato, you won't regret it.

Jimi Likes: 

  • When a 37 year old woman has dinner with dolls.

Jimi Weight:

  • 7.0 grams

*The Orphanage

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

My Neighbour Toroto

Jimi thinks My Neighbour Toroto is buck*.

Overall this film is totally awesome.  The story is fun, charming and beautiful whilst the classic Miyazaki trippy-ness is eased in gently.  The wee group of ghostly chinchilla dudes with a Russian doll thing going on are lovable and charming in a way only Studio Ghlibli can do.  The main characters work well and although seemingly more childish than perhaps Princess Mononoke there is enough here to hold you and indeed pull you in to the story.  Just wait until you see a cat that is a bus, that's right, a cat that is also a bus.  A wonderful film that will surprise you.

Jimi Likes:
  • Toroto getting his freak on with the large water droplets hitting his umbrella.

Jimi Weight:
  • 7.5 grams

*buck wild - For somebody or something to go crazy in some way. Can be used to describe a person going crazy or can be used in a sexual sense as well.